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Detail Palette
Palette, 2009, detail

Throwing everything on a junk heap?

"The whole is more than the sum of its parts" something Aristotle already knew. The Hildegard Projekt in its debut at Plattform für Gegenwart further proofs it.

Taking elements of their respective works seven artists jointly compose a new multidimensional pictoral space which spans the wide range of contemporary plastic arts: object, sculpture, installation, lighting and drawing.

Each conglomeration depending on the particular environnement requires the artists to interact in space, creating a productive dialogue which allows different approaches, varying esthetic views and different priorities on concept, material and content. Images confront each other at multilevels, they merge, contrast, complement and reinforce each other. The fourth dimension 'light' has several purposes: it connects, separates, highlights or overshadows. The spectator is permitted many associations and interpretations. The eye can focus either on the composition as a whole or on the seperate components of the entire work.

The question is: are the respective individual artistic positions sacrificed in favour of a "teamwork" producing a complex, ambiguous and poetic form of pictoral narrative. Or does the conglomeration only show that each seperate work of art as its own phenomenon remains intact or at the most certain aspects are underscored or shifted?

Hildegard Projekt are the artists susannebritz, Minna Kangasmaa, Renate Neuser, Gabriele Regiert, Maik Scheermann, Hildegard Skowasch, Petra Tödter who have been meeting the challenge of a collective work process in 2008.

Press release: MORGENGRÜN Kommunikation | office@morgengruen.com |
mobil: + 49 (0) 160 8022 564

